PosiTector Inspection Kit


Build your own Positector Inspection Kit.  Simply select what items below you would like in it and add to cart.  For more information on any of the items hover over the picture.

Carrying Case *

Pouch Hardshell Case $0.00 Pelican 1400 Case +$125.00

Body *

Standard Body +$325.00 Advanced Body +$775.00

Surface Profile

None SPG Probe +$410.00 RTR Probe +$425.00 SPGS Probe +$550.00

Ambient Conditions

None DPM +$445.00 DPMIR +$500.00 DPMS +$550.00 DPMA +$580.00

Dry Film Thickness

None F Probe (0-60 mils, Ferrous Metals) +$390.00 FS Probe (0-60 mils, Ferrous Metals) +$500.00 FT Probe (0-250 mils, Ferrous Metals) +$500.00 FTS Probe (0-250 mils, Ferrous Metals) +$610.00 FKS Probe (0-500 mils, Ferrous Metals) +$670.00 FN Probe (0-60 mils, All Metals) +$780.00 FNS Probe (0-60 mils, All Metals) +$895.00 FNTS Probe (0-250 mils, All Metals) +$1,005.00


None SHDD Probe +$555.00

Wall Thickness

None UTG-C (Bare Metals) +$805.00 UTG-M (Through Coating) +$1,590.00

Select from a variety of gage bodies and probes

PosiTector Inspection Kits contain a PosiTector gage body (Standard or Advanced) with 3 probes – coating thickness, environmental and surface profile – and accessories in a convenient hard shell carrying case.
  • Available with your choice of Standard or Advanced Gage features
  • Each PosiTector body accepts all PosiTector 6000200DPMIRTRTRSPGSSTUTGSHD and BHI probes easily converting from a coating thickness gage to an environmental gage, surface profile gage, soluble salt tester, ultrasonic wall thickness gage, or hardness tester
  • Certificate of Calibration showing traceability to NIST or PTB included (Long Form)