Rental Rates & Terms

Charges start the day the unit is shipped, until we receive it back.

Minimum 5 Day Rental Fee ($200 min)


  • Elcometer Adhesion Tester Model 106/2 (0-1,000 psi)

$40.00 day

Pull stubs (dollies) and adhesive for adhesion testers are not included in the rental price and must be purchased separately.

Holiday/Pinhole Detection

Tinker-Rasor APW High Voltage Holiday Detectors, both brushes and springs available. 800-35,000kV

$ 40.00 day

Rental Pricing and Policies

Call at 1-800-582-4243, or email for a rental agreement and request form.

Rental begins the day the instrument is shipped from KTA-Tator Pittsburgh, PA and ends the day the equipment is received by KTA-Tator Pittsburgh, PA (portal to portal).

Rental units are not available for sale, and rental payments may not be applied toward the purchase of a new unit.
Rental fees do not include shipping and handling charges. Minimum 5 Day Rental Fee ($200 min)