KTA Gage offers coating inspection instrument kits for coating inspection, pipeline inspection, commercial inspection and many more!

Showing all 6 results

Commercial Painting Inspection Kit

Not sure what combination of inspection instruments you need? KTA has done the work for you with it's complete Basic Inspection Instrument Kit.

KTA Abrasive Blasting Conductivity Kit

KTA Abrasive Blasting Conductivity Kit The abrasive blasting conductivity kit comes with step by step instructions that provide guidance on

KTA Advanced Inspection KIT

KTA Advanced Coating Inspection KIT The KTA Advanced inspection kit contains everything you should need for an inspection.  The Positector

KTA Basic Certified Inspection Kit

Not sure what combination of inspection instruments you need?  The KTA Basic CERTIFIED Instrument Kit has you covered!.

KTA Pipeline Inspection Kit

Pipeline Inspection Kit compiled by KTA is designed for those who aren't sure what combination of instruments they need for the Pipeline Industry.

PosiTector Inspection Kit

Build your own Positector Inspection Kit.  Simply select what items below you would like in it and add to cart.  For more information on any of the items hover over the picture.