KTA Gage carries a wide range of portable high and low voltage Holiday Detectors and Pinhole Testing Equipment for coating inspection.

Showing all 9 results

PosiTest® HHD High Voltage Holiday Detector

The hand-held portable PosiTest HHD is a pulse DC high voltage holiday detector featuring a voltage setting range of 500 to 35,000 volts.

PosiTest® LPD Holiday Detector

Defelsko Positest LPD Holiday Detector Holiday detection has never been easier with the Defelsko Positest LPD.

Tinker & Rasor PRM

Verify the output voltage of high voltage holiday detectors using the Tinker & Rasor Peak Reading Voltmeter.

Tinker-Rasor Low Voltage Wet Sponge Holiday-Pinhole Detector

Verify a pinhole-free coating (up to 20 mils) using the low voltage wet sponge holiday detector from Tinkor-Rasor.

Tinker & Rasor APW

Detect pinholes in coating and linings greater than 20 mils thick. Variable voltage up to 35,000 volts. Select from various electrodes. Comes with a wand, ground wire, and battery charger.

Tinker & Rasor M1 Retro Low Voltage Holiday Detector

Low-Voltage Holiday Detector to use on thin film coatings (up to 20 mils) on conductive substrates such as tanks, concrete

DE Stearns 14/20 High Voltage Holiday Detector

Detect pinholes in coatings and linings greater than 20 mils thick. Variable voltage up to 35,000 volts. Select from various electrodes. Please call for pricing and availability on Spring and Flat Brush Electrodes.

DE Stearns 14/20 High Voltage Holiday/Pinhole Detector

Verify a pinhole-free coating using the DE Stearns high voltage holiday detector.

M1 (Battery Operated) 67.5v

Verify a pinhole-free coating using the Tinker-Rasor low voltage wet sponge holiday detector.