Corporate Worker Lead Protection Program
Prepared to address the requirements of the OSHA Construction Industry Lead Standard, the KTA Corporate Worker Lead Protection Program includes a Medical Surveillance Program and a Respiratory Protection Program for lead exposure projects. The program is based upon existing Federal regulations. and contains the necessary forms, documents, checklists and other materials necessary to facilitate ease of implementation at individual project sites and to allow for tailoring to meet individual OSHA, state and/or specific requirements. The program includes: a description of each activity in which lead is emitted; a description of the specific means used to control employee exposure to lead; a report of the technology considered in meeting the PEL; air monitoring data which documents the source of lead emissions; detailing schedule for implementing the program; a work practice program; an administrative control (job rotation) schedule; and a description of arrangements made among contractors on multi-contractor sites.
Contact Lisa Bowermister ( / 412-746-4247) to Order
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