DeFelsko Certified Coating Thickness Standards


Certified coated metal plates are ideal for verifying the accuracy and operation of coating thickness gauges and are an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house quality control requirements.

Many organizations require verification of gauge accuracy at the test site each time a coating thickness gauge is put into service and at frequent intervals during use. Ideal for this purpose, DeFelsko certified coating thickness standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution. FERROUS

S1 0, 3, 10, 60 mils

S2 0, 3, 10, 40 mils

Earn up to 19 points.

Defelsko Certified Coating Thickness Standards

Certified coated metal plates blocks are ideal for verifying the accuracy and operation of coating thickness gauges and are an important component in fulfilling both ISO and in-house quality control requirements. Many organizations require verification of gauge accuracy at the test site each time a coating thickness gauge is put into service and at frequent intervals during use. Ideal for this purpose, DeFelsko certified coating thickness standards have measured values traceable to a National Metrology Institution. FERROUS

S1   0, 3, 10, 60mils

S2   0, 3, 10, 40mils


Additional information
Weight N/A
